高校化学グランドコンテスト 2024


Important Information

19th The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students
October, 26th-27th, 2024


“The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students” was established by Osaka City University and affiliated organizations in 2004 to encourage high school students and to promote high school chemistry. From 2023, the contest will be restarted by Shibaura Institute of Technology with support from MEXT, JST, The Chemical Society of Japan, related Universities, and sponsoring companies and organizations in Japan. Ten teams selected prior to the final contest will give oral presentations and the rest of the teams will give poster presentations about their research results in the final stage to be judged by top academic researchers. Several prizes will be presented to some of the best oral and poster presentations.

The 18th contest will be held as an international contest. Entries from overseas high school teams are welcome. The details of entry are shown below.
In addition to competition presentations, a few high school teams will be invited from overseas to the contest to give invited talks in English.

The international contest is a good occasion for high school students and teachers to present their research results in front of a large audience, to discuss their results with other high school students, and to interact actively with researchers, scientists and educators belonging to universities.

Call for Papers

The organizing committee of the contest invites all high school students to contribute abstracts of scientific communications that will be peer-reviewed for their acceptance as either oral or poster presentations. The deadlines of registration for the presentation and abstract submission are as described below. Participants wishing to present an oral or a poster presentation should contact the organizing committee via e-mail.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission: August 26th, 2024
  • Disclosure of results of peer reviews: The end of September, 2024
  • Oral and poster presentations: October 26th-27th, 2024


The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students Committee
E-mail: staff-gracon(at)ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp [(at)=@]
Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548,Japan

Official language

Japanese / English